Kiviwama - Indigenous trees for our future

1. We are expecting this project to accomplish sustainable improved environment to the target areas including wind prevention, soil erosion control as well rain causers which as a result will enhance improved vegetation healthy livestock and improved standard of living. Also the trees will contribute to change the global warming and reduction of carbon dioxide gas from air which contribute to affects the ozone layer.

2. Contact information

Contact person – SAMWEL A. MOCHIWA

3. The project will operate in two regions from the northern parts of Tanzania as in Kilimanjaro region and Tanga region indicated south of equator. · In Kilimanjaro region planting trees will be in Moshi town at water table of spring Njoro Juu at an area covers 4 acres and at Miwaleni village in Moshi district rural which covers more than 10 acres. · Also in Tanga region, the exercise will be done in Pangani district at Kikokwe village at Pangani district at Kikokwe village lying adjacent to India ocean belt with an area which covers 50 acres. · The organization as a community-based initiative is operating in Moshi Municipal since 1999 as was created by 10 members and the number up to 2008 has raised to 20 members including 12 women.

4. As specific description of local problems is mostly lack of valuable indigenous trees such as for firewood, fodder, fruits timber, wind privation and soil erosion control medicinal ets. and which will take short period to grow to mature for about 5 years to 10 years. · Another local problem in semi-arid savanna land is lack of rainfall which causes less vegetation and unhealthily livestock as people are depending on farming and livestock activities. · The target trees to be planted which are water resistance and land conservation species will contribute to improve the surrounding areas and thus enhance more rainfall, wind prevention and soil erosion control apart from availability of firewood, fodder, timber, fruit, Medicinal etc. after few years.

5. The most product for our project are fast growing multipurpose tree species and which will improve standards of living such as for fire break, windbreak, living fence, contour planting for erosion control fodder, wood lot fruits, medicinal and timber. The planted trees will be combined with cash crops such as Roselle plants, mullebery plants, Kenaf plants, Okra plants etc. as soil fettling species and poverty reduction.

6. The terrain to be reforested must have proper ways of water during rainfall as to prevent soil erosions as well as the planted trees and other economical plants to be washed away. The area must be elevated or leveled before tree planting or another target plants as temporary crops. Also the land is formed “vertically” instead of “horizontally”. The rainfall in these areas which lying in semi-arrid savannah land (Moshi, Miwaleni, and Pangani) is long rains during March to May and short rain in November.

7. Our group has enough experience in leading tree planting project as we are depending on forestry and agricultural experts as our member after retirement period as government servants. Our forestry expert is graduated as forestry and before retirement period was regional forester office (RTO) inclusive in Kilimanjaro region in 1990s The organization has (9) hardly years experience on raising different indigenous tree seedlings nursery, planting trees and care through involvement of people around the area to be reforested. Up to date 2008 the organization has already planted more than 50,000 trees in different affected areas which surrounding mount Kilimanjaro including around water source areas around the river basin, valley in schools, colleges government agencies companies and homesteads.

8. Yes, we are requesting Videos, technical sheets or posters and in English languages or if possible in Kiswahili language. The topics cover agro forestry techniques appropriate species management, livestock management and pest control, Hand made paper from plants. We intend to use these information materials to teach local people about agro forestry technique and in primary schools located at the target areas to be reforested. The group is not requesting seed as the target seeds are available within our surrounding areas up to Regional level. Also from Morogoro region as the government has established Institute for Collection of different Seed species for research and sale.